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Moving objects in AR - Proof of Concept
January 27, 2022
Download Size: 508 KB
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I have created a way to move things in AR Quicklook interactive. This is just a proof of concept and not fully worked out in detail. It only works propper in AR view, cause it uses the distance to camera feature. Try out and have fun.
Ashley January 28, 2022 (5:17 am)
Did you know you can merge actions? By dragging a sound onto a trigger so they happen at the same time. For some reason the cube isn’t moving for me when I tap the cross-hairs. If you add audio to the taps it will be easier to know whether or not the tap is activating.
@DiplDes_AR January 28, 2022 (7:52 am)
There are no clickable Items after you clicked the first crosshair (It makes the other crosshair apear and the textplate disapear). It works with the distance of you phone to the crosshairs. The art is to figure out with what speed you move your phone. I want to navigate the item in the scene without touching the screen. when you got the right distance to the crosshairs you will see them an the block jump away a bit in the direction of the crosshair, then you have to follow with your phone to move further in that direction.
Conceptwise the phone shall be traped within the crosshairs and what ever direction you move the phone, the crosshair will follow and keept it in the center - like a mask that is pinned to a face, the object shall be pinned to the phone.
@DiplDes_AR January 29, 2022 (4:53 am)
You can just move the block in this demo in 8 different directions. Im thinking of, if its possible to make a much tighter grid of crosshairs aaroiund the phone including also more spots moving up and down, up left, down right and so on. I think its maybe a thing of finding the right distance the block and crosshair grid moves in combination with the refresh rate of the screen to make it look fluent. I like the idea of manipulating the scene without touching the screen - or at least not to often.
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Moving objects in AR - Proof of Concept
January 27, 2022
Download Size: 508 KB
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I have created a way to move things in AR Quicklook interactive. This is just a proof of concept and not fully worked out in detail. It only works propper in AR view, cause it uses the distance to camera feature. Try out and have fun.